If you are not purchasing sunglasses from your optometrist, make sure what you plan to buy is at least labeled with a sticker that says "blocks 95-100% of UV rays," or "UV absorption up to 400nm." If the sticker on the sunglasses simply says "blocks UV rays," I would not recommend buying them, as it is highly unlikely that you will be getting the protection you need!
Google wants to take over your eyeballs!
Google is looking into a new technology that may eliminate the need for glasses, via insertion of "cyborg lenses" into your eyeballs. The downsides? The procedure is invasive and would involve removing the natural lens inside your eye, which has potential risks. Also, having a computerized lens in your eye could put you at risk for having your every move "tracked" by potential hackers! Yikes! It'll be interesting to see if this product actually launches. Click here for the full story!
Crying can reduce stress!
Crying after an emotional event produces tears that contain a large amount of the neurotransmitter leucine enkephalin, a natural painkiller that the body releases to reduce stress. Interestingly, tears that are produced when chopping an onion don't contain nearly as much of this neurotransmitter. So, a good cry while going through a difficult time can actually release some of those stress chemicals and help you feel more at peace.
Baby's Blind as a Bat!
Did you know that it takes 6-9 months for infants to develop full visual acuity, depth perception, and color vision? This is why some of the newer infant toys on the market are black and white, as these high-contrast toys have been shown to hold an infant's attention longer and may aid in visual development.
Why won't my dang eyelid stop twitching?
Have you ever had an eyelid twitch that just won't go away? Here are the top 3 causes of this annoying phenomenon:
1) Lack of sleep
2) Too much caffeine
3) Stress
A lid twitch could also indicate a potassium deficiency, so increasing your intake of bananas, spinach, and lentils may help!
"Don't stare at the sun...you'll go blind!"
You may remember hearing this as a child, and there actually is some truth to it! Staring at the sun for an extended period of time may cause irreversible damage to the center of the retina, causing a central blind spot. This is called solar retinopathy. I know you are all as happy as I am about the sun finally showing its face here in Colorado, but try not to stare at it for too long! :)
Buy glasses online....at your own risk!
Top 3 reasons why I do NOT recommend buying your glasses online:
A recent study done by the American Optometric Association found that 44.8% of glasses ordered online were made wrong!
The same study found that 29% of childrens' glasses failed impact-resistance and safety testing. Scary!
Even though it is cheaper to buy glasses online, you do get what you pay for you. Don't be surprised if the anti-glare coating starts peeling off after a few months or if you feel dizzy every time you wear the glasses, due to the cheap lens material used.
Coach Eyewear has arrived!
Sight Eyecare now carries Coach Eyewear! We just got in over 20 new and untouched Coach eyeglasses and Sunglasses, for your viewing pleasure! As always, we can order in other styles/colors if you'd like! Check out Hemi, our office mascot, who just fell in love with these sunglasses. Hopefully Coach makes a pair of these in her size!