November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, so I'd like to chat for a bit about Diabetes and the eye. Optometrists do exactly the same thing that ophthalmologists do when it comes to yearly diabetic eye exams, which entails dilating the eyes each year and taking retinal photos (when necessary) to monitor early signs of retinopathy. Optometrists also check each year for glaucoma and cataracts, which can occur earlier in those with Diabetes. If you have diabetic retinopathy and it's to a point where it may require surgical treatment, I will send you to an excellent retinal specialist here in town for further evaluation.
DON'T FORGET! Our Rayban /Coach Trunk Show is THIS Friday, Nov 4th!
'Raybans & Rovers' is THIS Friday (November 4th). Stop in to Sight Eyecare anytime between 3:00 & 7:00, grab a Wibby beer, grab a Silver Mine sub, and join us for a Rayban & Coach Trunk Show! If you are a Rayban or Coach lover, this is your opportunity to try on all of their frames/sunglasses, including new releases. 10% of proceeds from this event will benefit the Longmont Humane Society. If you have FSA money to use before the year ends, THIS is the time to use it! No insurance? Take advantage of our largest sale of the year! All Rx eyewear will be 20% off on this day only. We look forward to seeing you on Friday! No RSVP necessary.
The TOP THREE things to try when your eyes feel dry!
Eyes feeling dry? Well, welcome to Colorado! :) Unfortunately, when the heater is on more at home and in the car this time of year, symptoms can worsen. I recommend trying these 3 things:
1) WATER. Be sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day. 8 glasses/day or more when exercising!
2) OMEGA-3s. Try increasing your intake of salmon, tuna and walnuts. Or instead, try a good-quality fish oil supplement.
3) ARTIFICIAL TEARS. And I don't mean Visine. I mean a good quality artifical tear. My 2 favorite OTC brands are Blink and Refresh. Those with dry eyes benefit from using artifical tears several times a day.
If you're still not having any relief after trying these 3 things, please let me know at the time of your eye exam, as sometimes certain underlying eyelid conditions and/or systemic conditions can be the source of the dryness you're experiencing, and other treatment options may make more sense.
There's a lot going on in that brain of yours!
You are born with about 100 billion neurons. Your "neurological network" grows more and more with each new piece of information learned. You can grow as many as 10,000 connections (synapses) for each of the 100 billion neurons you have, whenever you learn something new or form a new memory. Hmmmm...that's a lot going on up there! No wonder I couldn't remember where I left my keys this morning! ;)
Why you should NOT ignore new floaters in your vision
Sudden flashes or floaters (especially when noticed in just one eye) could be the first warning signs of a retinal detachment or retinal tear. Do not let new flashes/floaters just linger, hoping they will go away. If your symptoms are actually due to a retinal detachment, PROMPT diagnosis and treatment is CRITICAL if there is any hope of saving the vision in the eye with the detachment.
Join us for a Rayban & Coach Trunk Show on Friday, November 4!
We are so thankful for our amazing supporters and patients who have made this first year possible. In turn, we are giving back to the Longmont community by hosting a Rayban and Coach Eyewear Trunk Show on November 4th (from 3:00-7:00), with 10% of proceeds benefiting the Longmont Humane Society. If you are a Rayban or Coach lover, this is an event that you DO NOT want to miss, as you will be able to try on every Rayban and Coach frame under the sun, and place orders for styles that have just been released.
Please note that we are also offering 20% off all Rx'd eyewear/sunwear on THIS DAY ONLY, so don't forget to bring your Rx with you if you had your exam elsewhere. If you have Flex dollars to use before the year ends, THIS is the time to use it. So stop in, grab a drink, grab a snack, browse around, and treat yourself to a brand new style!
Thank you for an incredible first year!
It has been almost 1 year since we opened Sight Eyecare. Looking back on the past year, it has been nothing short of incredible. This past year would not have been possible if it weren't for the support of my wonderful family, staff and patients. Check out these before and after pics of Sight Eyecare (before our build out in Summer 2015, and after)! Here's to year 2!
Kids' eyeglasses never looked so cute!
Sight Eyecare carries a wide and adorable selection of eyewear for children and teens. Dr. Neka's nephew demonstrates this adorable-ness below. Future model?! I think so! ;)